The Gathering


I stood below and watched them come.

Only a few at first, winged silhouettes

that swirled and dipped their way across the sky.

Then more appeared and joined the few, a shadow

cloud above my head.

The growing flock was silent. Still

they came. Still they came

and gathered until the few became many, dark heralds

moving ahead of some ominous change.

I lost my breath,

closed my eyes as if to blink the horde away. And when I looked

again, the sun was dim. And when I looked again,

the shadows ruled.

I watched them come.

I was afraid.

© 2016 Karen Kleis –  All Rights Reserved

You are free to reblog or share a link to this poem.  You are not free to copy or otherwise reprint this poem without my explicit permission.  Thank you.

28 thoughts on “The Gathering

      1. You’re welcome.
        Discovered you via another blog (
        Hope you had a great day.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Why you stinker, I’ve gone off for a few days and here you are making these awesome posts 😉 hehe catching up. I love the ominous theme here.

    Liked by 1 person

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