Small World

Insects and other small critters are among my favorite things to photograph. I looked out the door the other morning and spied an Eastern Lubber Grasshopper on my front stoop. Reviewing the photos I took of it inspired me to share some of my other favorite shots of those who are part of the small world.

You can find more of my photography in my Flickr photostream.

Ant tending what I believe is an aphid farm. Yes, some ants do farm aphids as a ready source of food.Ant Tending Aphids

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Butterflies and Insects

Among my favorite subjects are butterflies and assorted insects and spiders. Viewing these creatures through the lens has given me a new respect for the complexity of their lives. And in the case of spiders, has allowed me to overcome the fear of my younger years. I typically use a zoom lens to catch the butterflies and my kit lens with an 11 mm extension tube for some of the other insects. I’m a photographer of opportunity who likes to stroll about to see whatever I can see. So I tend to avoid the tripod or sitting in one place waiting for something to happen.

The images in this group have all been manipulated in various ways. Some with only a texture applied, some more heavily manipulated.

Please visit my Flickr photostream if you would like to see more.

At Rest – Dragonfly resting on a fence at the park

At Rest

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